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 Chapitre 416

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Messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2010

Chapitre 416 Empty
MessageSujet: Chapitre 416   Chapitre 416 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Aoû 2010 - 15:30

La VF:

Citation :

Rangiku regains consciousness. She was knocked out with the 'hakufuku' bakudo.

Gin is cut down.

Aizen has a flashback. He had made a hougyoku before Urahara but it was a failure.

In order to perfect it he took the spirits from hundreds of shinigami and those living in Rukongai with shinigami aptitude and presented it to the hougyoku but it wasn't satisfied.

He thought that Urahara's hougyoku was also incomplete, and stole it to present to his own hougyoku. The flashback ends there.

Gin's arm is stretched out, still holding the hougyoku. Aizen grabs his wrist and pulls it out. He then uses his sword to stab him.

Aizen: "Advancement requires fear. I was able to become a transcendent being thanks to you."

Gin is tossed in front of Tatsuki and the others and Rangiku runs over there. Tatsuki and Kanonji are already staggered from the effects of the reiatsu, and collapse.


A snowy scene from their childhood. Rangiku approaches Gin, who's wearing a outfit.

Gin says he's going to be a shinigami and so things have changed. Rangiku cries but Gin says it's finished. There's blood on his face.

Flashback ends. Rangiku calls out to Gin as she rushes over to him.

Gin: "In the end I didn't have what was taken from you returned. I'm glad to apologize."

Rangiku cries as she realizes Gin's death. Behind her is Aizen.

They hear loud footsteps. Aizen turns around and Ichigo is there shouldering Isshin. Until next week.
(soource onemanga)
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